In developed countries and regions around the word humans have done many acts that affected the environment. The concept of ecological footprint is known as the impact of individual societies on nature. There is no limit in construction and digging under the Earth’s surface and this can cause a lot of harm to the atmosphere around us. In the UAE for example, all skyscrapers, new islands and bridges resulted in a large population. There are many different views about ecological footprints and there are many reasons that lead the environment to be damaged.
There are a variety of different opinions about ecological footprints. Firstly, David Schaller's position was that wealthy nations are to blame because of their economic demand and consumption (Schaller.2001). Much evidence supported his opinion. One of them was that the US population is 5% of the world’s population; although the percentage is low, they consume 20% to 40% of energy In addition, he said that an eight year old child in the US has a larger ecological footprint than poor women in Africa (Schaller.2001). On the other hand, Peter Huber's position was that poor countries were the main reason for this issue. He said that despite the low amount of food that they eat. But they kill animals and cut down trees more than other countries. Furthermore, they create a higher percentage of waste that the developed countries, Also he claimed that their lake of knowledge caused them to be unaware of the damage that they cause to their environment (Huber, 2001). For example, burning uranium is much harder, but a tiny volume of it can heat and light an entire city.
The damage of humans on the environment has increased, but many solutions are suggested. To begin with, people created a lot of waste and rubbish. Taking away this rubbish or burning it can cause a dangerous impact on the environment. Because humans use a lot of natural resources in enormous amounts, such as trees, oil, and coal. Secondly, the earth, air, water and soil have been polluted by humans' bad habits. Air damaged by car and lorry fumes, and power stations create acid rain which kills entire forests (Young People’s Trust for the environment.2008). Finally, the Ozone layer is a broad band which prevents the sun’s ultra-violet rays from reaching humans. Air conditioners and fridges are reasons to make a hole in the ozone layer which leads to a serious problem among human lives.
In conclusion, it does not actually take all that much effort to help keep our environment clean. All of us are required to contribute and try to reduce the damage that we do to the environment. One of the well-known ways is recycling specially paper so we can help decrease the consumption of natural resources. Second, people should limit the use of cars and machines that use resources. Instead, people should use cars and machines that depend on the solar system. Finally, we must consider saving the ozone layer so that the next generation can live in peace. This can be done by reducing the amount of harmful chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the country. In addition, government must support the environmental organizations in order to help in saving the environment. Also, people can provide these organizations with suggestions that have been listed before.